LiewCF is a Splog/Spam Blog

Do you know that LiewCF (blog of a famous full time blogger from this part of the world) is a ‘Splog/Spam Blog’?

LiewCF is a Splog/Spam Blog

So, who the fark is LiewCF?

In a land full of silent racists pretending to be proud nationalists, LiewCF is a popular blog run by a famous Chinaman, the pride of his fellow Chinamen all over the world. But hey, let’s not spew racist talk, I’m here to let his fans know that search engines may have marked/flagged LiewCF as a Splog/Spam Blog and it’s up to them to save their ‘celebrated’ blog.

According to Search Engine Spam Detector (one of a few free tools to help you identify/locate spam features), LiewCF has 2 spam features (listed down below) and you all know how much search engines hate spam features. When you have too many spam features on your blog/website, search engines will give you a big slap and penalize your precious rankings. If you are worried about it, kindly use the tools (follow the above link) that I have discovered so far.

LiewCF has:
  1. Invisible text (common trick on a Splog/Spam Blog) – “Enter your search terms Submit search form
  2. Unnatural long text (another common trick) – “available for both windows and macintosh platforms, the adobe creative suite 4 design premium student edition software contains full versions of the following products: adobe indesign cs4, adobe photoshop cs4 extended, adobe illustrator cs4, adobe dreamweaver cs4, adobe flash cs4 professional, adobe fireworks cs4, adobe acrobat 9 pro, adobe bridge cs4, adobe device central cs4 and adobe version cue cs4


I’m not implying that LiewCF is a Splog/Spam Blog. The above spam features may have been there for a very long time and the blogger behind LiewCF has no idea that they are there on his blog. Let him know so that he can go and fix them.
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Meerkating said...

It is one of those things that really should be left to search engines to sort out. I think this approach to driving traffic really will eventually backfire when the whole semantic search paradigm gets implemented properly. It will just render the page completely off-topic and therefore deranked.

Interesting post regardless.

SAS, second great-grandson of Kulup Lembang said...

Hi there Meerkating,

Leaving it to search engines is not a good idea. Please remember that search engines do not send warnings to webmasters/bloggers.

If they find spam features on your website/blog, they will just penalize your rankings without warning. It’s better to be on the safe side, make sure everything is okay with your website/blog. Don’t take any risks. :)

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