What’s your tweet worth? Who cares?!

Oh brother, it looks like we have another dumb Twitter service (not affiliated with Twitter) out there. The service lets Twitterers get a feel of how much their tweets are worth at Twitter. Take note that the new Twitter service, ‘What’s your tweet worth?’, is sponsored by the same company that does TwittAd.

What's your tweet worth?, TwittAd

Check this out; TechCrunch who gave ‘What’s you tweet worth?’ a test drive earlier today found that their tweets only worth a measly $503 per month even though TechCrunch has a massive 26,361 followers!

What a bloody joke!

Eric Schonfeld from TechCrunch said that TwittAd should forget about selling ad spaces at Twitter and concentrate on placing ads at ‘What’s your tweet worth?’. Eric believes that Twitterers are bound to waste more time at ‘What’s your tweet worth?’ than at TwittAd. I guess he’s right! :-)

Personally, I think ‘What’s your tweet worth?’ is a total waste of time. I tweet too but I’m not going to waste my precious time on silly Twitter services such as ‘What’s your tweet worth?’. Tweets are worthless but those who tweets are precious. Twitter is nothing without their Twitterers. Please get that into your head, ‘What’s your tweet worth?

Related Link:
What’s Your Tweet Worth? Um, . . . Nothing.
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