How to blog & Make money blogging

Yes, those two long-tail keywords are very popular right now in the World Wide Web; a quick check at Google Trends confirms it. Take a look at the following screenshots:

How to blog

How to blog

Make money blogging

Make money blogging

As the global economy is getting worst by the year, more and more people turn to blogs and blogging with the hope that blogging can help them make some extra money. It is so damn obvious!

There’s only one problem, it is not easy to make money from blogging. I don’t know which idiot (probably some Blogging Gurus) told all those people that they can make lots of money from blogging but let me tell you today that it takes time, a very long time (some took years!) to make decent amount of money ($300-$500 per month) from blogging. I should know because I have been blogging for more than a year now and my main source of income still comes from Internet Marketing, something that I have done full-time in the last 3 years.

If you don’t believe me, let me just give you a quick but rude electric shock. Do you know how many blogs we have in the blogosphere today?

Technorati in their State of the Blogosphere report for the year 2008 revealed that they have indexed more than 133 million blogs ever since 2002. Those 133 million blogs are those that have been indexed, what about those that haven’t been indexed yet? :-)

Now, do you really think that you and your new blog can make much difference or make lots of money in the blogosphere right now?

Dream on, sucker! :-)

Updated on October 29th 2008 6:00 PM:

Do you know what Jason Kincaid from TechCrunch said yesterday? Eat this, dreamers!:
For all of the millions of blogs on the web, only an incredibly small fraction generate enough revenue to serve as full time jobs. Most people are happy enough with just sharing their thoughts with the public, even if they only see a few hundred hits a months with the very occasional comment.

Source: TechCrunch

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Why You Should Start Blogging

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