Windows 7 better than Vista: Technology Professionals

Windows 7 is better than Windows Vista and that is what many well known Tech Pros are saying at the moment. Find out why.

Windows 7 better than Vista: Technology Professionals

When Microsoft released Windows 7 Beta (the pre-release version of Windows 7) late December last year, many tech geeks (amateurs like me) all over the world have downloaded and installed it on their respective laptops/desktops. Tech geeks gave Windows 7 Beta some quick test drives and posted their findings on various blogs and websites just a few days after its initial release. I’m sure you all have read some of their quick reviews and many of them gave thumbs down to Windows 7 and said that it is just another Windows Vista with some cosmetic changes.


Well, that’s what happens when a bunch of amateurs try to be smart. :) Smart Tech Pros such as Walter S. Mossberg (Wall Street Journal fame) on the other hand do not rush things. They look at Windows 7 from all angles and that requires time. I have been waiting for their inputs and today I got a few courtesy of Walter S. Mossberg.

Walter said:
  • Windows 7 is a pleasure to use, got a few drawbacks but still positive (wonderful!).
  • Windows 7 is much better than Vista (I feel the same way too).
  • Windows 7 is faster than Vista (yes, it is!).
  • Lesser hardware and software compatibility issues (Microsoft has done their homework).

Watch the following video and hear what else Walter had said about Windows 7. Enjoy! :)

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