Windows 7: It’s only Pre-Beta but people are loving it!

Reports, reviews and videos of Windows 7 Pre-Beta were everywhere in the last 48 hours and much to the horror of Steve Jobs and his legion of Apple geeks, those who have installed and test drove Windows 7 Pre-Beta loved it! Remember, we’re talking about Windows 7 Pre-Beta here and the ‘final’ Windows 7 won’t be available at least until 2010! Perhaps Microsoft finally has a winner here!
After getting my first taste, I understand what the excitement is about. It's safe to say that Windows 7 will receive a much warmer welcome than Vista did. There's a long way to go from Beta to launch, and we'll be keeping you updated with all the latest news.

Source: Download Squad

Vista was just going through the motions of a new OS. If Microsoft actually delivers on what they've shown and are promising for Windows 7—and all signs seem to point that way—it'll actually have the heart and soul of one, even if it's wearing the same brand of clothes.

Source: Gizmodo

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