Twitter loves Spammers

This is just quick buzz to let you Tweeples and Twitterers know that Twitter has finally professed their hatred for spammers in a big way last Thursday.

As of August 21st 2008, Twitter will exercise the following actions and provide some kind of an anti-spam tool system-wide:

Suspending spam accounts
…launched a new admin tool which allows us to more efficiently deal with spam when we spot it. Our support staff can now more easily review and suspend spam accounts…

Introduce community-powered alerts
…enhanced our admin tools to more accurately factor your feedback for a more timely diagnosis. When you block a spam account, we take note…

Hiring dedicated personnel (Spam Marshals) to help Twitter identify & remove spammers
…we're going to hire people whose full time job will be the systematic identification and removal of spam…

Kudos to Twitter for coming up with a great anti-spam solution. It’s about time!

There’s only one problem though, how do we define spamming and identify spammers at Twitter?

Perhaps it would be better for Twitter if they define their understanding of ‘what is spamming’ to Tweeples and Twitterers first before doing anything stupid.

Related Post:
  1. Turning Up The Heat On Spam
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