WidgetBucks Sucks! No longer making money for Malaysian publishers


As of March 7th 2008, Malaysian publishers who display WidgetBucks ads on their sites or blogs will no longer make any money from their WidgetBucks CPM (Cost per 1k) ads. Bummer! This is because WidgetBucks has removed Malaysia from their list of CPM-paying countries citing reasons which were beyond their control. Yeah, right!

I would advise Malaysian publishers to take a closer look at their sites or blogs statistics. If most of your traffic is coming either from US or Canada, you can still display WidgetBucks ads since you have the chance to make money from them. Else, just remove those irritating ads and move on to some other programs that can make money for you.

So long, WidgetBucks! Nice knowing you but your rules sucks!

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Dean Jutilla said...

Hey Home Biss - Dean from WidgetBucks here. to clarify: it's the origin of your traffic -- NOT the origin of the publisher -- that is the issue. This is because traffic from countries not on the list - including Malaysia - doesn't pay, in the eyes of advertisers. But most importantly, there were some international fraudsters who have essentially put advertisers over the edge when it comes to their patience with traffic from these countries. Leave WidgetBucks if you must -- not trying to keep you around if you are not happy -- but know the facts before you make your claims. So long. Dean Jutilla, Marketing Director, WidgetBucks

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