US dollar sucks: Go for British Pound through Affiliate Future

I have been experimenting with some affiliate programs that pay in British pound in the last few months.

Do you know why I’m doing such experiment in the first place?

Easy, American dollar really sucks nowadays and I’m not at all happy with it. :-(

Come on people; don’t waste your time chasing American dollars. Go for some other stronger currencies such as British pounds and Euros. There are actually a lot of affiliate programs out there that pay in British pounds and Euros.

One worth mentioning today is Affiliate Future and it pays in British pound, quite lucrative for Malaysians like me. Affiliate Future has a lot of money making campaigns coming from hundreds of merchants with thousands of product and service categories. I have been using Affiliate Future for quiet some time now and so far it has made money for me. Not that much but it is very promising.

Highly recommended!

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