Malaysian Malay women & eCommerce

I have to admit that it is not easy to convince Malaysian Malay women in venturing into eCommerce (e-commerce) or online business. They are a bunch of enterprising women all right but many are still skeptical about the prospect of doing well in the online business world.

Believe it or not, eCommerce to most Malaysian Malay women are selling stuffs on online forums and chat rooms! Who the hell gave them such perceptions in the first place?

I did ask them why they didn’t want to try their luck on online auction sites such as eBay and their most common answer is that they are afraid of the competition. What is wrong with having competitions? It is common for any type of business and it is part and parcel of life as well. Sometimes as much as I hate to admit it, I do have to agree that the Malaysian Malay community in general does lack competitive edge. Their fear of competing with others hinders them from thinking big in their business ventures. :(

I can give Malaysian Malay women 10 good reasons to stop wasting their time selling stuffs on online forums or chat rooms and go for eCommerce for real such as setting up online stores or selling on eBay but I all ready know that they would never listen. I should know, I have dedicated the last three years of my life in motivating Malaysian Malay women and many simply did not have the guts to do so.

All right then Malaysian Malay ladies, if that’s how you want it, fine with me. My only advice is that you should not waste your time in selling stuffs in online forums or chat rooms that was established for social networking purposes. You won’t find real buyers there. Instead, go for online forums or chat rooms established by business communities and please don’t give me that competition crap again. You must learn to compete sooner or later. Please check out online forum Gedung Wanita; currently managed by BerryBunchBox Dot Com. They have great features and their business community is growing larger and larger every day. Join them!
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