Lunascape5 Genesis, the world’s fastest browser?

lunascape5 genesis, lunascape, firefox, chrome, safari, internet explorer

I don’t know but many Japanese said that Lunascape (Lunascape5 Genesis) is faster than Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer!

Nobody knows for sure but what is certain for now is that Lunascape (Lunascape5 Genesis) is the world’s first browser to integrate all three major browser rendering engines (Gecko, Trident & WebKit). Lunascape users cannot use all three simultaneously but the browser will automatically use the best and the most optimal rendering engine at runtime. That’s really cool!

I’m going to use Lunascape as my primary browser in the couple of days but so far I can understand why those Japanese said that Lunascape is faster than Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer. Apparently Lunascape has made some changes to Gecko (the rendering engine that powers Firefox) and those changes have enabled Lunascape to run JavaScripts faster than other browsers.
… We refined it with special tweaks that realized the fastest JavaScript execution in the world. It was proven through our and third-parties' researches that Lunascape flat out beats all other popular web browsers in this field. Enjoy smooth and pleasant Web 2.0 experience with Lunascape…

Source: Lunascape

Well then, how fast and how good is Lunascape then? There’s only one way to find out, download one today and see for your self. :-)

Recommended Reading Link:
Lunascape Browser: Firefox, Internet Explorer And Chrome All-In-One
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