Smart Stop: Red light runners’ worst nightmare

Imagine a wireless road safety system that has access to your car’s brake system and can automatically stops your car whenever you want to run a red light? If you are a regular red light runner, wouldn’t that be your worst nightmare?

Smart Stop: Red light runners’ worst nightmare

Well, your worst nightmare is almost here! Take note that Mercedes Benz has a road safety system known as Smart Stop that can do all the things mentioned earlier. The good news for red light runners like you is that such technology might not see the light of day since it is not going to be easy to introduce it to governments of respective nations of the world. It requires lots of money (to do road upgrades for an example) and that is something governments do not have right now.

Nonetheless, it is good to know that somebody out there is trying very hard to improve road safety. Watch the following video to see Smart Stop in action.

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