Another AdSense/Amazon revenue-sharing site: YouSayToo

Let’s take a quick look at YouSayToo, a new Google AdSense and Amazon revenue-sharing site that has been specifically created for bloggers.

Another AdSense/Amazon revenue-sharing site: YouSayToo

There’s something very fishy going on, noticed that we have lots of new revenue-sharing sites (Google AdSense, Amazon etc) sprouting like mushrooms lately and YouSayToo is one of them. YouSayToo is not exactly new since it has been around for couple of months now and I was one of their first few members.

Like what I have said earlier, YouSayToo has been created for bloggers. If you have a blog or plenty of blogs and participate in the Google AdSense publisher program and/or Amazon Associates program, you can add your blog/blogs to YouSayToo and make a little bit of extra money there (no promises). AdSense publishers and/or Amazon Associates that do not have their own blogs can create blogs of their own on YouSayToo but I would not recommend it for some reasons that are best to be kept secret. Hell, just watch the following video to learn more about YouSayToo.


Bloggers cum Google AdSense publishers/Amazon Associates that want to add their blogs to YouSayToo have to provide at least one backlink to YouSayToo and that will piss off a lot of people and that includes me! :(

Somehow I’m not interested in sharing my hard work with YouSayToo but feel free to try it out if you’re interested.
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