Twitter: Joel Comm is my first follower!

I should have done this long time ago but I was caught up with business and my long To-Do list. I have a little spare time right now, so here goes.

I’m new on Twitter, this week is probably my third week and I can already understand why people are so crazy about twittering but let’s not talk about Twitter right now.

This is probably nothing but it means a lot to me. You see, nothing makes Twitterers happier than seeing the number of their followers growing bigger and bigger each day. I do not have that many followers but after considering the fact that I’m still new on Twitter, what I have right now is pretty much okay (I guess).

Relax; I’m not going to talk about my followers. I want to talk about my very first follower on Twitter. When I first joined Twitter, I thought that my first 10 or 20 followers would be fellow Malaysians (do you know that Malaysians are a bunch of racists?). To my surprise, my first 5 followers are Americans!

Guess who is my first follower on Twitter?

You should know by now since I already gave you a hint earlier. Yes, my first follower is Joel Comm. Big old Joel Comm himself!

He’s no movie star but his name is well known in the world of Internet Marketing. He has written a number of books and many say that his AdSense Secrets books are the best of all.

Joel Comm followed me on Twitter because I followed him first but honestly, I certainly did not expect him to follow a silly Malaysian home based business entrepreneur like me!

Whatever it is, Joel Comm really made my day that day!

From the bottom of my heart, I would like to say thanks to Joel Comm. Thank you, Joel. I will always remember your kind gesture. :-)

Joel Comm, Twitter, AdSense Secrets, Next Internet Millionaire

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