Combat software piracy and earn handsome cash rewards!

I am sure that my article is arousing a lot of curiosities and many of you are eager to know what I am rambling about today. Whatever it is, I am not kidding when I said that there is one online money making opportunity that is endorsed by almost every government in the world today. The opportunity may not be as what you would normally expected but it can make decent money nonetheless.

The opportunity that I’m going to cover today has something to do with software piracy. Those that have done a little bit of software pirating either for personal or commercial purposes may find this very interesting indeed. Before going any further, let us understand what software piracy is all about. Here goes:

  • Making a copy and selling them in the open market
  • Making a copy and then passing it to another party
  • Making a copy and treating it as a backup
  • Have the nerve to put the original software on rental
  • Have the guts to resell the original software
  • Seeking popularity by pushing copyrighted software for mass downloading and sharing them with the internet community

Generally, there are two types of software piracies that are rampant widely in the world today. They are:

  • Software counterfeiting
    • I’m sure that you have seen various street peddlers, rogue software distributors and phantom websites that offer cheap copies of original copyright controlled software such as those distributed in Adobe and Microsoft software lines. It is a direct illegal duplication and sale of proprietary software.
  • End User piracy
    • Such act normally occurs in business companies where employees reproduce multiple copies of proprietary software without authorization. For an example, using software that was originally intended for a single use or user on multiple computers.

How can I make money from combating piracy then? Relax, we will cover that later. Back in 1988, a group of major software makers met and decided that it is high time that they took matters into their own hands and established an organization called Business Software Alliance. Their official existence is purely for educational purposes. In another word, they were established to promote safer digital world awareness. At the same time, they are always finding ways to curb the rising number of software piracies in the whole wide world. I’m not very sure when it all started but then they suddenly realize that their efforts are in vain and require new directions. Hence, they start by focussing on getting the help and assistance of whistleblowers by encouraging them to report any known acts of software piracies.

Now we can talk about making money from combating software piracies. To date, the rewards for disclosing information on software piracies vary from one country to another. In the United States, Business Software Alliance is offering rewards of up to USD$200,000 while in the UK it can go up to ₤10,000! I know that you are all fired up to grab such opportunities but it would be wise that you take the time to study this further. You must understand first and foremost what you would be getting yourself into before self appointing yourself as Business Software Alliance’s newest bounty hunter. Take note that Business Software Alliance in some countries only accepts reports on End User piracies only. You may gather all the necessary information from Business Software Alliance’s official website. Making a software piracy report is fairly easy and you could either do that online through their regional websites or simply by calling them directly via their hotlines.

The best thing is that there are all ready some mobile and high flying folks who are doing this silently full time. I was told that most of them are focussing on countries that have high reported cases of software piracy such as China and India. To avoid detection, they always go undercover to protect their true identities. Espionage and gathering intelligence are some of their daily routines and this is not a joke at all! If you love James Bond movies, there is no doubt that you would love this kind of super spying work too. Mind you, they are getting a lot of money from this and some cases that they have reported gave them handsome rewards that reached millions of dollars!

You too can jump into this money making bandwagon today. It would be easier for those who are all ready inside in an organization that clearly use pirated software for commercial purposes. If you are interested in doing this, please be discrete about it. Never ever talk about your intentions with anyone else. Everyone has camera phones nowadays and you can use them to take discrete pictures of any wrongdoing on the spot. Keep them to yourself and compile historical photo journals that you can later use as part of your reporting arsenal. Once you are sure that you have all the evidence to back you up, just send a report to Business Software Alliance online. I was also told that reports made and accompanied with strong evidence would get their attention in a jiffy!

Oh! I almost had forgotten all about it. The rewards would only be made available to the rightful whistle blowers after the conclusion of either a judgement or settlement in the court of law. This could take months and on some cases, years. :)

Now that you know more about this online money making opportunity, I do have a question for you bounty hunters. For the sake of their handsome monetary rewards, are you willing to possibly risk your life and reputation by blowing whistles for Business Software Alliance? Please leave your answer here.

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